On Monday, hundreds gathered to celebrate the opening of Japanese retail giant, Don Don Donki. The highly anticipated mega discount store is set to open Thursday to the public.
Residents can expect an assortment of products at Pacific Pan International Holdings Company’s most recent development on Guam. An entire food court, health and beauty products, groceries, and miscellaneous goods, including specialized Sanrio products created for this 247,000-square-foot location, can be found at the new Don Don Donki.
Mall Department Manager Charles McJohn believes their grocery department will prove competitive in the local community.
“Variety, volume, and price. I think all of those things combined make it very attractive for people and what benefits the most people on Guam is good for everyone,” said McJohn.
The store will be selling local produce as well as produce shipped in from Japan and the U.S. McJohn is personally excited about the Wagyu.
McJohn also stated the store is expected to add 430 jobs to the local economy, and he also mentioned they’d hired locally for security, janitorial, construction, and IT.
The grand opening is on Thursday. In order to ease traffic congestion, they’re implementing a parking system according to license plate numbers.
For more information, follow @donki_gu on Instagram.